Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Women's day

My dear mom, dearest sister, very special aunt, lovely cousin, two of my best friends, and all you sweet fille. 

My dear ladies: I didn't greet you on Women's day because I think of you in my own special way every day and there could be no special day for which I could wait. 

Women's day is an idea - that demands more of a quest than a celebration. The idea is to be able to afford 'not needing a day to celebrate'. I am living to see a period in time when nobody hears about Women's day anymore. Because, there would be no need, because we would be gender equal among male, female and homophile.  While I patiently wait to see that day, dear ladies, I want you to know, that I love you each day with the same fervor and respect.

Still, if me just saying "Happy Women's day" makes a difference to you, I just said it. 

Love always.


Namrata said...

Good one.. May thr b a day u wished for!!

Sundeep said...

you have just written down the thoughts of many others :). nice.